Sunday 1 June 2014

New start - from hobby to small business

Hello everyone :) I will be having a new start on this blog which will document the things my business partner and I do, create and let everyone know future events. I will post and keep up with everyone as much as I can as I still have university, but the summer is all mine :)
I have a few places I sell and promote:

Events coming up: faery festival in Oakworth - 9th august
faery festival in Cottingley - 16th august

Heres a few photos of what's created :)

 New business cards :)

I think that's everything :) have a good week!


Marigold Jam said...

How lovely to hear from you via comment on my blog and to find you again - I had often wondered how you were getting on. Love your current beadwork.

Unknown said...

Hi Lucy! So lovely to see you back. How grown up to have a business partner, well done. Love love love your beadwork! All the best with your studies at college. Take care, Louise