I received a fantastic surprise in the post this morning from Yiota at Shells and Bells Flowers and Showers. I love anything arty and the painting of the yachts by a "foot and mouth painter"
made me realize how lucky I am to have my hands to do all the things that I do!
It is also nice to see an oil painting (below) done by a Greek artist. Unfortunately
the colours haven't come out quite right in the photograph!It is much nicer than this! The butterfly stickers and little note pad are sooo pretty!!!! Thank you Yiota!
The Summer Fayre is next Saturday at school. My mum and I have been quite busy when time allows, making things to sell for school funds, including some crocheted bunting! Here are some of the items:
This is my box of beaded sales items standing by for next Saturday!!!
Now back to finishing my school shoe art project. When it has been marked by my art teacher I shall take some photos!
Have a great weekend!!
Lucy xx